Monday, March 31, 2008

Good Quarter I Say

I got a mail from a long lost, well not so long lost friend. a nice long mail. I love those. Saying i hadnt blogged in a long time. Well if it brings wayward and lazy friends back to mailing me and poking me to see if i am alive, then i guess it is a good thing.

The reason i didnt blog: This has been a good quarter, goood. Note: Just one extra 'O'. I have said enough, it can get jinxed. The moment i make an open statement it has always been jinxed. So i rather stop here, so that even if it is jinxed it doesnt happen to every tiny detail. Technically the quarter has one more day and 33 minutes to go. Oh God.

So i will be back when i have to whine or make statements :).

So long buddy.