Thursday, September 07, 2006

No offence, but i find these names quaint.

I don’t know in how may countries is this possible, that you keep moving from one region to another every three years or so for so many years and still be surprised by the quaintness of the names that you come across

Prabhu Boomibalagadoss – some guy who keeps postin stuff on common mailing list

Pugazendhi Panchatcharam – my lead

Jijo Baby – ( it took me days to believe it was his official registered lifelong name, and you could just wince any time somebody would call the poor guy by his sir name, for that matter anybody in his family) my co-cubiclee

Jayatheertha Achar Manchali – a help desk personnel


  1. On the same note..i read this article some time back about how south indian guys with long names dont have much chance with the fairer sex as compared to all Rahuls, Rishab Aroras, Karan Oberois, Rohit Rais etc :D

  2. Sheesh i never thought of that. But you know what our Rahuls and Rajs etc our bollywood portrayed. Guess what there is a hefty film industry and they have there own niche of suave names ;-).
